For more information on the 2025 Conference, please visit here.

Welcome to AAHHE! 

The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) is an agent of change for improving education, thus enabling Hispanic students to fully participate in a diverse society. AAHHE works collaboratively with all sectors of education, business, industry, as well as community and professional organizations to enhance the educational aspirations and to meet the needs of a significantly increasing Hispanic population. 

AAHHE Announces Appointment of 2024 Chair and Chair-elect and Three New BOD Members.

August 2, 2024

The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) is beginning its twentieth year as the premier national association representing Latinx faculty, administrators, students and professionals in higher education. AAHHE is proud to announce the appointments of:

  • Dr. Cristobal Rodriguez as Chair of the Board of Directors and Dr. Marissa Vasquez as Chair-elect for the year 2024 – 2025. 

  • Three new members to the Board of Directors were appointed: 

    • David Fuentes, PhD (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027), Associate Dean, College of Education, William Paterson University.

    • Jasmine Haywood, PhD (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027), Strategy Director, Lumina Foundation.

    • Magdalena Martinez, PhD (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2027), Associate Professor and Senior Policy Fellow, Rowan University. 

The addition of members to the Board of Directors brings the total number of AAHHE Board members to twenty. Collectively, the new Directors bring deep experience and understanding of educational leadership, teaching, policy, community engagement, diversity, Latinx studies, and social sciences.

AAHHE Recognized for its Top-Performing Job Board

Recognized as one of the top performing job boards across the US, the AAHHE Job Board has experienced enormous growth, and has continually provided a high return on investment and value generated for institutional members. A valuable resource for institutions with its far-reaching audience, including Hispanic Serving Institutions, and its pricing significantly under market value, the AAHHE Job Board was featured in the Personify Memberclicks newsletter and website: A New Era in Higher Ed - AAHHE’s Strategic Revamp Yields a Top-Performing JobBoard.

Are you hiring or seeking a new job opportunity? Why should you post in the AAHHE Job Board vs. a standard career center?

  • AAHHE Job Board is a top-performing platform 
  • Option to do featured listings
  • Option to do bundle pricing
  • High visibility 
  • Incredibly convenient, and easy to use.
  • FREE with your institutional membership!

AAHHE Institutional memberships get unlimited job postings as an added value to their memberships, significantly enhancing member engagement and satisfaction. Join AAHHE as an institutional member today! For more details on job board pricing, please visit our webpage here.

Congratulations to the 2024 Best Scholarly Paper Awards Recipients!

Immigration, Fear, Internalization & Cultural Stress
Aldo Barrita, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

From Immigrant Legacy to Educational Future: Redefining Latinx Immigrant Familial Engagement in College-Going Habitus Cultivation
Leslie Luqueño, Stanford University - Graduate School of Education

For more information on the Best Scholarly Paper Awards, please visit this page

We've Updated our Address!

Please note that AAHHE's address has changed to 2455 E. Sunrise Boulevard, Suite 816, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304. Moving forward, please send any materials, payments, or other inquiries to this new address so we can continue to serve you.

AAHHE Announces Appointment of 2023 Chair and Chair-elect and Four new BOD Members

August 22, 2023
The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) is beginning its nineteenth year as the premier national association representing Latinx faculty, administrators, students and professionals in higher education. AAHHE is proud to announce the appointments of:

  • Dr. Azara Santiago Rivera as Chair of the Board of Directors and as Dr. Cristobal Rodriguez as Chair-elect for the year 2023 – 2024.
  • Four new members to the Board of Directors were appointed:
    • Naomi Ramirez, MA, Graduate Student Member-at-Large, July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2025, PhD, Department of Education (in progress), San Diego State University and Claremont Graduate University
    • Antonio Duran, PhD, Early Career Member-at-Large, July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026, Assistant Professor, Higher and Postsecondary Education, Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation, Arizona State University
    • Marissa Vasquez, EdD, Faculty/Administrator Member-at-Large, July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026, Associate Professor, Community College Leadership and Postsecondary Educational Leadership, San Diego State University
    • Mary Ann Villareal, PhD, Member of the Board of Directors, July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026, Vice President, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, University of Utah

The addition of members to the Board of Directors brings the total number of AAHHE Board members to twenty. Collectively, the new Directors bring deep experience and understanding of educational leadership, teaching, policy, community engagement, diversity, Latinx studies, and social sciences.

A Collective Statement on the SCOTUS Decision Regarding Race-Conscious College Admissions

October 11, 2023

The AAHHE joined the American Association of Blacks in Higher Education, American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education, NAACP, 100 Black Men, and the United Negro College Fund to write a collective statement on the SCOTUS decision regarding race-conscious college admissions. To read the statement, please click here.

Statement from the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education on the SCOTUS Decision on Race-Conscious College Admissions 

June 29, 2023

The American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education (AAHHE) denounces the United States Supreme Court’s ruling on June 29, 2023 against race-conscious college admissions effectively ending affirmative action. In a 6-3 ruling in the North Carolina case and a 6-2 ruling in the Harvard case, the Supreme Court found it unconstitutional to consider race broadly in university and college admissions. Given the current makeup of this Supreme Court, their ruling was sadly expected. However, this decision does uphold a higher standard set by the Grutter case that allows students to continue to express their racialized experiences in their admissions and scholarship materials, as well as allows institutions of higher education to consider such experiences among other criteria in alignment to their missions. The Supreme Court’s action today is another example of how power and privilege essentially erases the gains and efforts made to promote equal opportunity over the last 59 years, but it is also a reminder that our work for equal opportunity, access, equality and democracy must continue. 

As the days and weeks unfold, we should observe and be ready to address how policymakers and institutional leaders respond to this decision. We urge AAHHE members to reaffirm their commitment to diverse and inclusive learning environments, and to embrace core values of equity and justice for all, regardless of legal constraints. As members of the higher education community, we must remain vigilant, ready to mobilize and address the impact of this decision on racialized groups. More than ever, we must recommit to ensuring justice, equity, and inclusion in higher education.

The majority vote by the Supreme Court reflects their view that despite overriding legal precedent and evidence, they can declare that we are now in a race-neutral environment. While this may be so legally, it ignores racism and inequities that are experienced daily in this nation and throughout the education system.

We encourage each of you to lean into the AAHHE familia where we can gather, heal, and support each other through la lucha. 

AAHHE Academic Research Briefs Professional Development Series 

There is great talent among AAHHE members and to showcase the depth and breadth of thought leadership, we begin the Academic Briefs Professional Development Series. We invite contributions of 500-750 words.  Please support our new efforts. If you are interested in your academic brief being showcased and for additional information, please contact, Dr. Lucia Gutiérrez, AAHHE Executive Director at [email protected].

Dr. Claudia Garcia-Louis is our inaugural author with her academic brief titled Hey Hispano: Forget the Celebration, Address Your Internal Prejudice.

Any view or opinions represented in the academic briefs showcased by AAHHE are personal and belong solely to the author and do not represent those of people, institutions or organizations that the author may or may not be associated with in any professional or personal capacity, unless explicitly stated.  

 If you wish to Donate to AAHHE, please click here to complete the Donation Form!

We thank you for your continued support!  

2025 AAHHE National Conference | In-person
We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

March 7-9, 2025
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Denver, Colorado

The Value of Membership  

AAHHE is dedicated to developing and recognizing the new generation of Latinx faculty, senior-level administrators and graduate students, in higher education, through its signature programs and annual awards.

Join Today