2022 AAHHE National Conference
Cultivating Justicia con Amor y Querencia: Embracing Healing through Policies and Practices that Transform Institutions for Latinx/a/o Communities
Cultivando Justicia con Amor y Querencia: Sanando las Comunidades Latinx con Políticas y Prácticas que Transforman las Instituciones
March 10 - 11, 2022 Nevada State College, Henderson Nevada
Pre-conference Event
ETS Latinx Student Success Institute Embracing Healing: Improving enrollment and persistence rates for Latinx/a/o students (In-person pre-conference session; maximum of 30 participants) March 9, 2022 | 11 AM - 4 PM PST Nevada State College - KAB Auditorium
 Sponsored by ETS
The pandemic continues to linger in the lives of Latinx/x/o students. There are untold stories about the complex lives of Latinx/a/o students and how they participate in college. Once again, national reports highlight that our students face unique and ongoing challenges that are often not known or addressed by colleges. The theme of the AAHHE 2022 conference, Embrace Healing, provides the lens on how higher education leaders must use compassion, grace, and comfort to engage with Latinx/a/o students and their families. Despite having many factors that create a complex portrait for a diversity of Latinx/a/o students, higher education leaders, professional staff, and faculty members need to listen and help to heal these students through purposeful and intentional policies, programs, and practices.
The purpose of the AAHHE 2022 Latina/a/o Student Success Institute is to create a safe space for higher education leaders to learn about current research, to ask important questions, and to develop professional connections. We will have a specific focus on college enrollment and persistence for the diversity of Latinx/a/o student learners (e.g., non-traditional age, low-income, single
Presenters Luis Ponjuan, PhD, Chair, ETS Latinx Student Success Institute; Associate Professor, College of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University. Edith Fernández, PhD, Co-chair, ETS Latinx Student Success Institute; Vice-president, College and Community Engagement, Nevada State College.
Keynote Address Fostering Scholar Identities among Latina/o/x Community College Students through Undergraduate Research Marissa Vasquez, EdD, Assistant Professor, San Diego State University
- Introduction and Welcome: Dr. Luis Ponjuán
- Session I: Aligning our compass for success, Dr. Luis Ponjuán
- Session I Facilitator: Dr. Luis Ponjuán
- Keynote Address: 2021 Former AAHHE Faculty Fellow Dr. Marissa Vasquez
- Keynote Facilitator: 2021 Former AAHHE Faculty Fellow Dr. Marissa Vasquez
- Session II: Theory to Practice Session, Dr. Edith Fernández
- Session II Facilitator: Dr. Edith Fernández
- Final Thoughts and Reflections, Dr. Luis Ponjuán & Dr. Edith Fernández