Pre-conference Events ~ In-person Only (all times are in U.S. Central Time Zone)
Wednesday, March 13, 2024
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM CST
ETS Latinx Student Success Institute
Interrogating the new realities: Creating a culture of evidence to respond to the Anti-Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion and Anti-Affirmative action landscape.
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- Luis Ponjuán, PhD, Institute Chair and Associate Professor, College Of Education and Human Development, Texas A&M University.
- Edith Fernández, PhD, Institute Co-chair and Vice President of College and Community Engagement, Division of Culture, Planning, & Policy, Nevada State College.
Wednesday March 13, 2024
AAHHE Board of Directors & AAHHE Fellows Brunch (by invitation only)
11:00 AM- 12:30 PM CST
Room: Seigle Hall 301
White House Initiative Meeting (Virtual Presentation)
12:30 PM- 1:30 PM CST
Room: Seigle Hall 306
1:45 PM – 3:15 PM CST
Welcome Program & STEM Lecture – Simon Hall
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8th Cigarroa Family Medical/STEM Distinguished Lecture
Denise Martinez, MD, Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Clinical Professor, Family Medicine, University of California Riverside
“Cultivating Healers for the Latinx/a/o/e Community”
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Cigarroa Family
3:15 PM – 3:30 PM CST
3:30 PM – 4:30 PM CST
Concurrent Session 11 IPEX |Virtual Counterspaces: How Latina Graduate Students Utilize Instagram to Build Community Online. Room: Seigle Hall 204.
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Concurrent Session 12 IWBE | Examining Interlocking Systems of Oppression Hindering Undocumented Latinx Community College Students. Room: Seigle Hall 205.
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Concurrent Session 13 WPEX |Intersectional Chicana Feminist Analysis of Latina Undergraduate Researcher Experiences. Room: Seigle Hall 206.
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Concurrent Session 14 IPHE | Estudios Rebeldes as Relational Breaching for Change. Room: Seigle Hall 208.
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Concurrent Session 15 | AAHHE Graduate Student Fellows Featured Sessions. Room: Seigle Hall 306.
Concurrent Session 16 IPHE | First-Generation and Low-Income Latinx/o/e Men in Community College: An Analysis of their Experience and Engagement with Community College Men of Color Initiatives. Room: Seigle Hall 305.
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4:30 PM – 4:45 PM CST
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM CST
Concurrent Session 17 NLA | Reframing Accountability: Utilizing a Shared Equity Leadership Approach to Campus Climate. Room: Seigle Hall 204.
Concurrent Session 18 IPEX | Immigration status assumptions are internalized by Latinx college students. Room: Seigle Hall 205.
Concurrent Session 19 WPHU | Intersectional Chicana Feminist Analysis of Latina Undergraduate Researcher Experiences. Room: Seigle Hall 206.
Concurrent Session 20 IWEX | Cultivating Resilience and Belonging at HSIs in Times of Hate. Room: Seigle Hall 208.
Concurrent Session 21 | AAHHE Graduate Student Fellows Featured Sessions. Room: Seigle Hall 306.
Concurrent Session 22 IPEX | College is a Familia Occasion: Making Room for Latinx Families within the Higher Education Trajectory. Room: Seigle Hall 305.
5:45 PM – 6:15 PM CST
6:15 PM – 8:00 PM CST
AAHHE Awards Dinner – Risa Commons
AAHHE Awards:
- Community College Award ~ Rafael Alvarez, MS, Director/Associate Professor, MESA Program, San Diego City College.
- Doctoral Student Award ~ Diana Cervantes, Doctoral Candidate, The University of Texas at Austin
- Early Career Award ~ Giselle Martinez Negrette, PhD, Assistant Professor, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.
- Mildred Garcia Founders’ Award ~ David Fuentes, PhD, Associate Dean College of Education, William Paterson University.
- Sylvia Hurtado University Faculty Award ~ Cristobal Salinas Jr. PhD, Assistant Professor, Florida Atlantic University.
- William Aguilar Cultural Arts Award ~ Maria Esther Fernandez, BA, MA, Artistic Director, The Cheech Marin Center for Chicano Art & Culture of The Riverside Art Museum.
Thursday March 14, 2024
**Breakfast on your own
8:30 AM – 9:00 AM CST
Welcome Program Simon Hall
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM CST
40th Annual Tomás Rivera Lecture Simon Hall
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“Navigating Hispanic Racial Diversity Without Harm”
Dr. Tanya Kateri Hernandez, Archibald R. Murray Professor of Law, Fordham University
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM CST
ETS Outstanding Dissertation Competition Awards – Simon Hall
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10:30 AM – 10:45 AM CST
10:45 AM – 11:45 AM CST
Concurrent Session 3 OCD | "I Wish They Knew We Existed": The Academic Experiences of Latinx College Students in Mixed-Status Families. Room: Seigle Hall 204
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Concurrent Session 26 IWHE | Monarch Support Group: Providing a Validating and Supportive Space for Undocumented Students to Heal Collectively. Room: Seigle Hall 205
Concurrent Session 27 IPEX | How Cultural Upbringing Affects the College Experience: the Case of First-Generation, Mexican-American Students. Room: Seigle Hall 206
Concurrent Session 28 WPHU | Racialized Institutions and Undocumented Latine College Students’ Access to Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review. Room: Seigle Hall 208
Concurrent Session 29 IWHE | Una Tortillada: A Collective Experience of Narratives on the Topic of Reconstructed Self. Room: Seigle Hall 306
Concurrent Session 30 IPHU | The Self-Interrogation and Institutionalization of One University’s Journey Towards HSI ‘Servingness.’ Room: Seigle Hall 305
11:45 AM – 12:15 PM CST
12:15 PM – 1:00 PM CST
Networking Lunch – Risa Commons
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1:00 PM – 2:00 PM CST
AAHHE Book Awards – Risa Commons
Books of the Year Awards:
- Early Career Category: 2023 Why you always so political?: The experiences and resiliencies of Mexican/Mexican American/Xicanx students in higher education. Martin Alberto Gonzalez, PhD, Assistant Professor, Chicano Latino Studies - Liberal Arts & Sciences, Portland State University.
- Mid-Career Category: 2022 Border Bodies: Racialized Sexuality, Sexual Capital, and Violence in Nineteenth Century Borderlands. Bernadine Hernandez, PhD, Associate Professor, American Literary Studies, University of New Mexico.
- Senior Scholar Category: 2022 A Place at the Nayarit: How a Mexican Restaurant in Los Angeles Nourished its Community. Natalia Molina, PhD, Distinguished Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, Dean's Professor of American Studies and Ethnicity, University of Southern California.
- Edited Volume Category: 2022 Integrando STEAM: A guide for elementary bilingual and dual language programs. Marialuisa Di Stefano, Assistant Professor, College of Education, University of Massachusetts-Amhearst; Alberto Esquinca PhD, Associate Professor, Dual Language and English Learner Education, San Diego State University; Idalis Villanueva Alarcon, Associate Chair and Associate Professor, University of Florida.
2:00 PM – 2:30 PM CST
2:30 PM – 3:30 PM CST
Concurrent Session 2 ODC | Soy de Aquí y de Allá/I'm from Here and There: Exploring how HBCUs’ contribute to Afro-Latino (a,e,x) students’ Ethnic/Racial Identity Development and Mental Health. Room: Seigle Hall 204.
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Concurrent Session 33 WPEX | Latinx preservice bilingual teachers utilizing their cultural wealth to reclaim their space in higher education. Room: Seigle Hall 205.
Concurrent Session 34 IWHE | Chingonas & Sex: Reclaiming Pleasure as a Form of Resistance. Room: Seigle Hall 206.
Concurrent Session 35 IPEX | Cultivando Comunidad: Surviving the PhD Program as Latinas in white Spaces. Room: Seigle Hall 208.
Concurrent Session 36 IPHU | Humanizing educación in computer science: Learning from HSIs. Room: Seigle Hall 306.
Concurrent Session 37 IPHU | Student Multimodal Learning and Storytelling in an HSI to Elevate La Voz del Migrante. Room: Seigle Hall 305.
3:30 PM – 3:45 PM CST
3:45 PM – 4:45 PM CST
Concurrent Session 1 ODC | Family Therapsists’ Lived Experiences of Discussing Ethnic-Racial Socialization with Latino Room: Seigle Hall 204. *this will be a virtual presentation
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Concurrent Session 38 IPHU | First-generation Latine Students' Use of Community Cultural Wealth in the Transition to University Education. Room: Seigle Hall 205.
Concurrent Session 39 IPHE | Re-indigenizing and Rehumanizing Brown and Indigenous Men in Community and Higher Education Spaces. Room: Seigle Hall 206. *this will be a virtual presentation
Concurrent Session 40 IWHE | Book Clubs for Healing: Creating a Culture of Care and Intergenerational Storytelling to Decredential Whiteness. Room: Seigle Hall 208.
Concurrent Session 41 IPEX | Employing a Platicando y Mapeando Methodology in Higher Education Research with Rural Latinx Students. Room Seigle Hall 306.
Concurrent Session 42 IPHU | Developing a culturally relevant approach to understandingthe career development of Latino men in STEM. Room: Seigle Hall 305.
4:45 PM – 5:00 PM CST
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM CST
Concurrent Session 43 IWHU | Leveraging investments in HSIs to humanize community building, continuous organizational improvement, and knowledge creation. Room: Seigle Hall 204.
Concurrent Session 46 IPHU | Explorations with Teachers and Afro-descendent and Indigenous Learners: A Critical Intercultural Approach to Decolonize Foreign Language Teaching in Colombia. Room: Seigle Hall 208.
Concurrent Session 47 WPHU | HBCUs Were Made to Serve, So Hispanic-Serving HBCUs Deserve Doble Dinero. Room: Seigle Hall 306.
Concurrent Session 48 IPEX | Power in Solidarity: Chicana/o/x Latina/o/e/x Scholars Navigating Discriminatory Terrains and Intersectional Identities in Higher Education. Room: Seigle Hall 305.
6:00 PM – 6:15 PM CST
6:15 PM – 7:15 PM CST
Networking Mixer & Poster Session – Holmes Lounge
Poster Session 50 EX | Breaking down the barriers of Latinx/a/o/e students’ undergrad aspirations through a liberatory framework. Room: Holmes Lounge.
Poster Session 50 HE | Photovoice and community engagement: Heroes of Color in Richmond, Virginia. Room: Holmes Lounge.
Poster Session 50 BE | The Impact of Cultural Taxation and Credits on the Psychology of Graduate Students of Color. Room: Holmes Lounge.
6:30 PM – 8:00 PM CST
Movie Screening 49IPHE | Smile4Kime: A Spiritual Autoethnographic Film about Trauma, Loss, Transformation, and Healing. Room: Simon Hall.
Friday March 15, 2024
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM CST
AAHHE Fellows Recognition Breakfast- Risa Commons
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10:00 AM – 10:30 AM CST
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM CST
Concurrent Session 52 IPEX | Providing a Space for ALL: The Impact Working at a Latina/o/x Cultural Center. Room: Seigle Hall 204.
Concurrent Session 53 IWHE | “Drawing” on Intergenerational Mentoring for Collective Wisdom and Reflection. Room: Seigle Hall 205.
Concurrent Session 54 WPEX | Examining Institutional Capacity Building at Puerto Rican Hispanic-Serving Institutions through the Title V Program. Room: Seigle Hall 206.
Concurrent Session 55 IPHE | Indigenous Chicana/o/e/x Latina/o/e/x First-Generation-to-College Students Intersectional Identities: Creating Intergenerational Sacred Healing Spaces for Institutional Trauma. Room: Seigle Hall 208.
Concurrent Session 56 IPHU | HSI Lessons on Leadership in Times of Trauma and Beyond. Room: Seigle Hall 306.
Concurrent Session 57 IPHU | Research as Family: We want better from multiple methods research practices. Room: Seigle Hall 305.
11:30 AM – 11:45 AM CST
11:45 AM – 1:15 PM CST
Plenary Session & Closing Remarks - Simon Hall
Interrogating Ways of Knowing & Production as Forms of Healing: The Intersection(s) between the Land, Community, and Education
Moderator: Marie Mora, PhD, Treasurer-elect, AAHHE Board of Directors
- Nancy Lopez, PhD, Professor, University of New Mexico
- Paul Joseph Lopez Oro, PhD, Assistant Professor & Director of Africana Studies, Bryn Mawr College
- Eileen Jimenez, PhD, Dean of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences and Dean of Justice Involved Solutions, South Seattle College